Middle School
Middle School comprises years 7 and 8 at Shenton.
Middle School students divide their class time between classes in theĀ mainstream andĀ Deaf Centre. Students accessing most mainstream subjects might only attend the Deaf Centre for support and back up with a teacher of the Deaf one or two periods a week. Other students will attend the Deaf Centre for all core subjects, including English, Maths, Science and Society and Environment. Centre-based students access mainstream classes for their elective subjects. These include Art, Design and Technology, Computing, Hospitality, Physical Education, etc. Full or partial mainstreaming / centre-based classes are determined on an individual student basis.
All students are placed into a mainstream mentor group regardless of whether they are centre-based or not. They attend mainstream mentor classes each week. They do their elective subjects with students from their mentor group. Mentor classes also offer a pastoral care service to the students.
Middle School Deaf students enrolled in SCDEC participate in Auslan as a mainstream subject (second language learner program), or receive Auslan tuition in the centre if remedial Auslan is required. Auslan sits alongside French and Japanese at Shenton College as a timetabled mainstream language program. Learning a language other than English is compulsory in years 7 & 8 and becomes optional from year 9 onwards.
Deaf and hard of hearing SCDEC students in mainstream classes receive the support of a teacher of the Deaf, access to a Deaf mentor, an interpreter and/or a notetaker, as appropriate to each student’s needs and timetable requirements.
Students are able to access all activities offered by Shenton College, such as camps, river cruises or movie nights; school discos; debating teams; Fitness for Life programs and sporting activities and events.
SCDEC students follow the same timetable times, uniform and behaviour policies as Shenton College students.