Senior School

Lower Senior School are Years 9 &10 and Upper Senior School are Years 11 &12.

In Year 10 students can elect to follow a particular pathway for their last three years of school. These pathways lead to university, TAFE or work placement and can be one or a mix of the following options:

Where the student is aiming for entrance into university he/she will be fully mainstreamed into classes at Shenton College. The student will have an interpreter and/or notetaker support with a teacher of the Deaf tracking his/her progress and providing support where needed.

Where the student is aiming for a vocation in a trade, or in retail, hospitality or some other industry, they will participate in a careers access program either through Shenton College or through the Deaf Education Centre. These programs work around the needs of the student and prepare them to move into a work environment. Similar to the support provided at ATAR level access and support are provided to students to ensure they can participate fully in CAP and VET programs.